Libraries needed for this section are:
Data needed:
R comes with a basic plot
command, which can also be used for simple map viewing. In this workshop we will look into several alternatives to map spatial data with R. This list is of course not comprehensive, but should give you something to start with. For more packages see the “Visualisation” section of the CRAN Task View.
Of the packages mentioned spplot
only takes sp
objects, tmap
and leaflet
can also take sf
objects. The development version of ggplot2
can take sf
objects, though ggmap
seems to still have issues with sf
comes with a plot command spplot()
, which takes Spatial*
objects to plot. spplot()
is one of the earliest functions to plot geographic objects.
Use readOGR()
from the rgdal
libryary to read the Philly3
shapefile into an object named philly
Use names()
to see the attributes. I have added the following fields:
command and see what you get.plot (philly)
command (make sure you installed and loaded sp
) and compare.spplot(philly)
Not particularly useful for any interpretation.
You can see that by default spplot
tries to map everything it can find in the attribute table. Sometimes, even this does not work, depending on the data types in the attribute table. It also uses one classification for all the maps. (The latter actually makes sense, as otherwise you’d be likely to compare apples with oranges.)
In order to select specific values to map we can provide the spplot
function with the name (or names) of the attribute variable we want to plot. It is the name of the column of the Spatial*Dataframe
as character string (or a vector if several).
Try that.
# or
spplot(philly,c("HOMIC_R", "PCT_COL"))
Let us stick with one variable for now and try to improve it a little.
First we want to change the color palette. For this we use a library called RColorBrewer
2. For more about ColorBrewer palettes read this. Load the RColorBrewer
library and explore all sequential color schemes with
It takes two arguments:
Select 5 colors from the ‘Orange-Red’ plaette and assign it to an object pal
. What kind of object is pal
pal <- brewer.pal(5, "OrRd") # we select 5 colors from the palette
. We need to provide two more arguments:
which we set to the palette we just created andcuts
which in our case is 4. It bins our continous variable into 5 brackets and will make our colors match up with those class brackets.spplot(philly,"HOMIC_R", col.regions = pal, cuts = 4)
Looks better already. But we still have this one area standing out with an extremely high homicide rate, which makes a large part of the map unreadable. So let’s change the class intervals to quantiles. We will use classIntervals
from the classInt
library, something like:
breaks_qt <- classIntervals(vector_of_values,
n = how_many_classes,
style = "quantile" [can be omitted -- the default])
This returns an object of type classIntervals
. Find out its structure. How would you access the break values?
breaks_qt <- classIntervals(philly$HOMIC_R, n = 5)
argument in spplot()
. Let’s also set main=
to add a title.spplot(philly, "HOMIC_R", col.regions=pal, at = breaks_qt$brks, main = "Philadelphia homicide rate per 100,000")
# add a very small value to the top breakpoint, and subtract from the bottom for symmetry
br <- breaks_qt$brks
offs <- 0.0000001
br[1] <- br[1] - offs
br[length(br)] <- br[length(br)] + offs
# plot
spplot(philly, "HOMIC_R", col.regions=pal, at=br, main = "Philadelphia homicide rate per 100,000")
The biggest remainig issue is the legend, which shows as a graduated color, since we provided a vector of continuous values to map. Here is how we can change this:
function from the base package with the values from philly$HOMIC_R
and the corrected breaks br
to return a vector with the respective boundaries of the brackets. Use ?cut
if you need help.HOMIC_R_bracket
to the philly
attributes table. It will help to map the color based on the breaks. Take a look at the values. What object class is that vector?at=
parameter in spplot()
(which is only needed for continuous variables) and tell it to plot HOMIC_R_bracket
.philly$HOMIC_R_bracket <- cut(philly$HOMIC_R, br)
spplot(philly, "HOMIC_R_bracket", col.regions=pal, main = "Philadelphia homicide rate per 100,000")
Now, this is what you should see:
And below is the complete code:
philly <- readOGR("path_to_your_shapefile_folder", "Philly3") #
pal <- brewer.pal(5, "OrRd")
breaks_qt <- classIntervals(philly$HOMIC_R, n = 5, style = "quantile")
br <- breaks_qt$brks
offs <- 0.0000001
br[1] <- br[1] - offs
br[length(br)] <- br[length(br)] + offs
philly$HOMIC_R_bracket <- cut(philly$HOMIC_R, br)
spplot(philly, "HOMIC_R_bracket", col.regions=pal, main = "Philadelphia homicide rate per 100,000")
There are many more arguments for this function to provide additional plot parameters, like the legend position, labels, scales, etc.
However, as you have seen, this can be quite tedious.
As an alternative you may want to be aware of the GISTools
package. It includes functions, like choropleth()
to draw choropleth that are really just convenience functions that wrap around spplot()
Below is the code if you wanted to do a similar map as above with GISTools
. Currently GISTools
cannot understand sf
library(GISTools) # load library
choropleth(philly, philly$HOMIC_R) # plot the polygons
shd <- auto.shading(philly$HOMIC_R) # we need that for the legend coloring
choro.legend( # plot the legend
bbox(philly)["x","max"] - 5000, # x coordinate of top left corner
bbox(philly)["y","min"] + 15000, # y coordinate of top left corner
shd # color scheme
title("Philadelphia homicide rate per 100,000") # plot the title.
) with plot
The sf
package extends the base plot
command, so it can be used on sf
objects. If used without any arguments it will plot all the attributes, like spplot
philly_sf <- st_read("~/Desktop/Philly3/Philly3.shp")
To plot a single attribute we need to provide an object of class sf
, like so:
plot(philly_sf$HOMIC_R) # this is a numeric vector
If we wanted to add our own colors, legend and title we would recur to basic plot parameters to do this.
hr_cuts <- cut(philly_sf$HOMIC_R, br)
plot(philly_sf["HOMIC_R"], main = "Philadelphia homicide rate per 100,000", col = pal[as.numeric(hr_cuts)])
legend(1760000, 471000, legend = paste("<", round(br[-1])), fill = pal)
is a widely used and powerful plotting library for R. It is not specifically geared towards mapping, but one can generate great maps.
The ggplot()
syntax is different from the previous as a plot is built up by adding components with a +
. You can start with a layer showing the raw data then add layers of annotations and statistical summaries. This allows to easily superimpose either different visualizations of one dataset (e.g. a scatterplot and a fitted line) or different datasets (like different layers of the same geographical area)4.
For an introduction to ggplot
check out this book by the package creator or this for more pointers.
In order to build a plot you start with initializing a ggplot object. In order to do that ggplot()
In addition, minimally a geometry to be used to determine how the values should be displayed. This is to be added after an +
ggplot(data = my_data_frame, mapping = aes(x = name_of_column_with_x_value, y = name_of_column_with_y_value)) +
Or shorter:
ggplot(my_data_frame, aes(name_of_column_with_x_value, name_of_column_with_y_value)) +
So if we wanted to map polygons, like census tract boundaries, we would use longitude and latitude of their vertices as our x
and y
values and geom_polygon()
as our geometry.
To plot the equivalent to the map we created with spplot
above we need to convert philly
, which is a SpatialPolygonsDataframe
, to a regular dataframe.
is a general purpose package which provides functions to turn the messy output of built-in functions in R, such as lm, nls, or t.test, into tidy data frames. We use the tidy()
command for the conversion5.
library, and use tidy
for the conversion. Create a new object, philly_df
for the output. What columns and values do you get?library(broom)
philly_df <- tidy(philly)
Ha. tidy()
will make us loose the attributes that we want to map, so we have to take care of that. We extract the polygon IDs from philly
and add them to its dataframe as a column - I named it polyID
. This requires a bit of understanding of the internal structure of philly
. You can take a peek with str(philly, max.level = 2)
I use slot(philly, "polygons")
as argument to sapply()
to iterate over the polygons slots and then extract the ID slot for each polygon, also with slot()
Now we are able to use the polygon IDs with merge()
to combine philly
with philly_df
philly$polyID <- sapply(slot(philly, "polygons"), function(x) slot(x, "ID"))
philly_df <- merge(philly_df, philly, by.x = "id", by.y="polyID")
OK. All set to plot.
There is a lot going on in this command, so I have provided comments in the code.
ggplot() + # initialize ggplot object
geom_polygon( # make a polygon
data = philly_df, # data frame
aes(x = long, y = lat, group = group, # coordinates, and group them by polygons
fill = cut_number(HOMIC_R, 5))) + # variable to use for filling
scale_fill_brewer("Homicide Rate", palette = "OrRd") + # fill with brewer colors
ggtitle("Philadelphia homicide rate per 100,000") + # add title
theme(line = element_blank(), # remove axis lines ..
axis.text=element_blank(), # .. tickmarks..
axis.title=element_blank(), # .. axis labels..
panel.background = element_blank()) + # .. background gridlines
coord_equal() # both axes the same scale
will soon be able to plot sf
objects directly. This will look like:
ggplot(philly_sf) + geom_sf(aes(fill=HOMIC_R))
builds on ggplot
and allows to pull in tiled basemaps from different services, like Google Maps and OpenStreetMaps6.
So let’s overlay the map from above on a google satellite basemap.
First we use the get_map()
command from ggmap
to pull down the basemap. We need to tell it the location or the boundaries of the map, the zoom level, and what kind of map service we like (default is Google terrain). It will actually download the tile. get_map()
returns a ggmap object, name it ph_basemap
In order to view the map we then use ggmap(ph_basemap)
Look up the syntax of ?get_map()
, go back and forth between get_map(..)
and ggmap(ph_basemap)
to find the correct parameters for our example.
ph_basemap <- get_map(location="Philadelphia, PA", zoom=11, maptype = 'satellite')
Then we can reuse the code from the ggplot example above, just replacing the first line, where we initialized a ggplot object above
ggplot() +
with the line to call our basemap:
ggmap(ph_basemap) +
(We can get rid of the theme()
and coord_equal()
parts, as ggmap
takes care of most of it.)
See if you can copy and paste this together.
ggmap(ph_basemap) +
geom_polygon(data = philly_df, aes(x=long, lat, group = group, fill = cut_number(HOMIC_R, 5))) +
scale_fill_brewer("Homicide Rate", palette = "OrRd") +
ggtitle("Philadelphia homicide rate per 100,000") # +
#theme(line = element_blank(), # don't need this here as ggmap takes care of it
# axis.text=element_blank(),
# axis.title=element_blank()
# panel.background = element_blank()) +
# coord_equal() # don't need this here as ggmap already takes care of this
Think for a moment before you look.
# Unfortunately we have to go back to our original `philly` object and reproject it
# to the CRS that works with Google maps.
# We then have to recreate our dataframe again.
philly_WGS84 <- spTransform(philly, CRS("+init=epsg:4326"))
philly_df_WGS84 <- tidy(philly_WGS84)
philly_WGS84$polyID <- sapply(slot(philly_WGS84, "polygons"), function(x) slot(x, "ID"))
philly_df_WGS84 <- merge(philly_df_WGS84, philly_WGS84, by.x = "id", by.y="polyID")
ggmap(ph_basemap) +
geom_polygon(data = philly_df_WGS84, aes(x=long, lat, group = group, fill = cut_number(HOMIC_R, 5)), alpha = 0.8) +
scale_fill_brewer("Homicide Rate", palette = "OrRd") +
ggtitle("Philadelphia homicide rate per 100,000")
Be aware that the ggmap
library also includes functions for distance calculations, geocoding, and calculating routes.
also borrows from the ggplot syntax and is specifically designed to make creation of thematic maps more convenient. It takes care of a lot of the styling and aesthetics. This reduces our amount of code significantly. We only need:
and provide the SpatialPolygonsDataframe
as argument directly, no need to convert into a data frame. This is followed by+
, andtm_polygons
where we set
and ?tm_polygons
for how to set the parameters (map, break, title) and try on your own before you look.library(tmap)
tm_shape(philly) +
tm_polygons("HOMIC_R", style="quantile", title="Philadelphia \nhomicide rate \nper 100,000")
has a very nice feature that allows us to give basic interactivity to the map. We can easily switch from “plot” mode into “view” mode and call the last plot, like so:tmap_mode("view")
Cool huh?
The tmap
library also includes functions for simple spatial operations, geocoding and reverse geocoding using OSM. For more check vignette("tmap-nutshell")
Lastly, leaflet
7 makes use of the widely known ‘Leaflet’ JavaScript library, “the leading open-source JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps”. We have already seen a simple use of leaflet in the tmap
The good news is that the leaflet
library gives us loads of options to customize the web look and feel of the map.
The bad news is that the leaflet
library gives us loads of options to customize the web look and feel of the map.
You don’t have to, but it makes the code more accessible if you use the pipe operator %>%
to chain the elements together when building up a map with leaflet
Let’s build up the map step by step.
Load the leaflet
library. Use the leaflet()
function with the Spatial*Object and pipe it to addPolygons() function. Just to show us a default map of Philly.
leaflet(name_of_our_spatialPoly) %>%
Is this what you did?:
# first try... ops what happened here
leaflet(philly) %>%
leaflet(philly_WGS84) %>%
Map the homicide rate. For this we provide several parameters to the addPolygons()
function that:
and make it look nice by adjusting fillOpacity and smoothFactor (how much to simplify the polyline on each zoom level). The fill color is generated using the colorQuantile()
function, which takes the color scheme and the desired number of classes. colorQuantile()
then returns a function that we supply to addPolygons()
with the name of the value we want to map to constuct the color scheme.HOMIC_R
values. We will create as a vector of strings, that we then supply to addPolygons()
.Try the code below.
pal_fun <- colorQuantile("YlOrRd", NULL, n = 5)
p_popup <- paste0("<strong>Homicide Rate: </strong>", philly_WGS84$HOMIC_R)
leaflet(philly_WGS84) %>%
stroke = FALSE, # remove polygon borders
fillColor = ~pal_fun(HOMIC_R), # set fill color with function from above and value
fillOpacity = 0.8, smoothFactor = 0.5, # make it nicer
popup = p_popup) # add popup
. This you can do!leaflet(philly_WGS84) %>%
stroke = FALSE,
fillColor = ~pal_fun(HOMIC_R),
fillOpacity = 0.8, smoothFactor = 0.5,
popup = p_popup) %>%
Add a legend. We will provide the addLegend()
function with:
leaflet(philly_WGS84) %>%
stroke = FALSE,
fillColor = ~pal_fun(HOMIC_R),
fillOpacity = 0.8, smoothFactor = 0.5,
popup = p_popup) %>%
addTiles() %>%
addLegend("bottomright", # location
pal=pal_fun, # palette function
values=~HOMIC_R, # value to be passed to palette function
title = 'Philadelphia homicide rate per 100,000') # legend title
Ok, so this is a bit annoying, since the labels of the legend show percentages instead of the actual value breaks.
The formatting is set with ‘labFormat()’ and in the documentation we discover that:
“By default, labFormat is basically format(scientific = FALSE,big.mark = ‘,’) for the numeric palette, as.character() for the factor palette, and a function to return labels of the form ‘x[i] - x[i + 1]’ for bin and quantile palettes (in the case of quantile palettes, x is the probabilities instead of the values of breaks)”
So it appears that we need to set the labels for our breaks manually. We replace the pal
and values
with the colors
and labels
arguments and set those directly using brewer.pal()
and breaks_qt
from an earlier section above.
leaflet(philly_WGS84) %>%
stroke = FALSE,
fillColor = ~pal_fun(HOMIC_R),
fillOpacity = 0.8, smoothFactor = 0.5,
popup = p_popup) %>%
addTiles() %>%
colors = brewer.pal(5, "YlOrRd"),
labels = paste0("up to ", as.character(round(breaks_qt$brks[-1]))),
title = 'Philadelphia homicide rate per 100,000')
leaflet(philly_WGS84) %>%
stroke = FALSE,
fillColor = ~pal_fun(HOMIC_R),
fillOpacity = 0.8, smoothFactor = 0.5,
popup = p_popup,
group = "philly") %>%
addTiles(group = "OSM") %>%
addProviderTiles("CartoDB.DarkMatter", group = "Carto") %>%
colors = brewer.pal(5, "YlOrRd"),
labels = paste0("up to ", as.character(round(breaks_qt$brks[-1]))),
title = 'Philadelphia homicide rate per 100,000') %>%
addLayersControl(baseGroups = c("OSM", "Carto"),
overlayGroups = c("philly"))
If you want to take this further you may want to look into additional tools. Here is a demo using ggplot
, leaflet
, shiny
, and RStudio’s flexdashboard template to bring it all together.
Higher degrees are: Associate’s, Bachelor’s, Master’s, Professional school, Doctorate↩
This is not the only way to provide color palettes. You can create your customized palette in many different ways or simply as a vector of hexbin color codes, like c( "#FDBB84" "#FC8D59" "#EF6548")
For the correction of breaks after using classIntervals with spplot/levelplot see here↩
See Wilkinson L (2005): “The grammar of graphics”. Statistics and computing, 2nd ed. Springer, New York.↩
You may still see examples that use ggplot2::fortify
. Be aware that this may be deprecated in the future.↩
Note that the use of Stamen Maps currently only works with a patch and that Cloudmade maps retired its API so it is no longer possible to be used as basemap. RgoogleMaps
is another library that provides an interface to query the Google server for static maps.↩
The leafletR
package does very similar things. The syntax approach is different between the two packages. My reason for using leaflet
is that it integrates well with RStudio, Shiny, and R Markdown.↩